Advantages to Recycling

We accomplish a lot when we separate different items at home and then transfer them to the proper bins.

Recycling conserves resources, energy, and water while lowering greenhouse gas emissions. Additionally, it creates a new industrial structure and jobs.

There is little question that the advantages of recycling our waste outweigh the straightforward, regular activity required.

How can recycling benefit the environment?

By recycling, you turn discarded goods and materials into wholly new ones, increase their useful lives, and support the preservation of the planet's natural resources.

In 2023, thanks to the recycling of more than 1.6 million tons of packaging, the consumption of 15.53 million m3 of water and 9.84 million Mhw of energy were saved, in addition to avoiding the emission of 1.69 million tons of CO2 into the atmosphere.

Looking for more environmentally friendly options

We at Ecoembes are conscious of how waste affects the environment and the natural world. Therefore, in collaboration with a number of businesses, we are searching for novel ways to reduce the "over-packing" of goods and increase the sustainability of packaging.

Like the novel bio-based plastic material created by TheCircularLab, the circular economy innovation hub of Ecoembes. This bio-based material is compostable, recyclable, and biodegradable since it is made from vegetable waste, such as potato peelings and other vegetable waste.

This kind of packaging, which is composed entirely of organic material, can be used as an alternative to treat organic waste, assisting in its recycling and lowering food waste.

And why do we still focus on packaging? Find out more about its position in society.

You have access to all the available information and openness

The quality of the waste collected is greater when the bins have holes designed for collecting light packaging, both in sectors of contribution and in the supply of curbside bins.

Bins for side- and rear-loading should feature a closure that prevents the lid from opening, allowing waste to enter via the cover's perforations instead (with diameters of no more than 30 cm).

Comparisons and information on the benefits of recycling

We are able to recycle packaging, so it can have a second life because of the little things we do at home every day, such as appropriately separating it.

Do you still have any idea of how much recycling can help you? Here, we present statistics and equivalences that will surprise you.


8 jars of canned food = the parts of a cooking pot

550 aluminium cans = the parts of a chair

6 cartons = shoebox

80 soda cans = bicycle tire

22 plastic bottles = T-shirt

40 PET bottles = fleece

8 cereal boxes = book

 More examples of goods created from recycled materials are available here.

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