Hub for knowledge, training and services on circular economy
Ecoembes offers The CircularCampus, a space for knowledge, higher training and services on circular economy whose goals is to contribute to environmental sustainability by reaching the circularity of packaging, to executives and technicians at the companies that are part of Ecoembes.
This project is framed within Ecoembes’ promotion of circular economy launched in 2017 by creating TheCircularLab, the first innovation centre in the field in Europe.
Learn with our courses on ecodesign and circular economy
These are some of the active programmes available to you at TheCircularCampus.
Ecodesign strategies for packaging
Ecodesign strategies for packaging
Find inspiration from actions that environmentally improve packaging.
Environmental Diagnosis Tools
Environmental Diagnosis Tools
Know the different methodologies to identify the most relevant environmental aspects.
Ecodesign methodology for packaging
Ecodesign methodology for packaging
Learn how to integrate ecodesign within your organisation.
Promote the recycling of your packaging
Correct separation of packaging waste is essential for its recycling. Include this symbol on the packaging and make it easier for citizens.
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Identifying measures for Prevention Plans
Identifying measures for Prevention Plans
Discover the measures implemented by other companies in their packaging to make them more sustainable.
Supporting the implementation of Prevention Plans
Supporting the implementation of Prevention Plans
We help you to place packaging that is more environmentally friendly in the market.