Frequently asked questions

Does Ecoembes export waste to South East Asia illegally?

Of the 429 residential packaging recycling companies approved by Ecoembes at present, 416 are in Spain, 1 in Portugal, 1 in France and 1 in Egypt. When citizens place packaging in the yellow or blue bin, they obtain legal guarantee that the packaging officially enters the recycling cycle to become new raw material and that it will not end up being illegally exported to another country.

The illegal traffic of waste is a serious infraction and more so when the destination is a country where there is no technical capacity to manage them, thus becoming a dumpster for the rubbish of others. Ecoembes has been reporting these environmental crimes for years, urging the competent authorities to increase even more their monitoring duties and to sanction bad practices that, despite being exceptional, end up affecting the reputation and good work of recycling agents that meet their obligations and environmental liabilities on a daily basis.

The information from approved recycling agents and material awards for their recycling is completely public and can be accessed through this link.