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- Mr. Juan Ignacio Silva Alcalde
Chairman & CEO of DEOLEO - Mr. José Manuel García Pérez
Member of the Mineral Water Advisory Board of the Hijos de Rivera Group - Mr. Juan Miñano Gombau
Mercadona's General Sustainability Coordinator - Mrs. María Vanessa Prats Filgueira
Vice President & General Manager de Procter&Gamble Iberia y Procter&Gamble España - Mr. Mikel Larrea Azpeitia
Director of the Eroski Group's General Secretary's Office - Mr. Diego Maus Lizariturry
General Manager of the IFA Group - Mrs. Ana Jaureguizar Ruiz-Jarabo
General Manager Consumer Products Division L´Oreal Spain & Portugal - Coca Cola Europacific Partners Iberia, S.L.U.
Duly represented by Mr. Francisco Cosano Jorda - Mr. Carlos Cabanas Godino
Director of Institutional Relations and Sustainability, El Corte Inglés Group - Mr. Jorge Villavecchia Barnach-Calvo
General Manager of S.A. DAMM - Mrs. Rosa Trigo Fernández
CEO of Ecoembes
- Mrs. Dorleta Vicente García
General Counsel and ESG Director of Ecoembes